The time is 11 AM, as the cast and crew of Eastlake's production The Hunchback of Notre Dame show up for the first day of opening week, otherwise known as Tech Week. While the show itself wouldn't open...
On the evening of Oct. 1, 2024, students opened their emails to a controversial announcement sent out by the district. LWSD Superintendent Dr. Jon Holmen announced the implementation of a shift from seven...
**Eastlake C2 Volleyball Triumphs Over New Port in a Thrilling Three-Set Battle**
*October 17th, 5:15 PM - Cascade Gym*
In a high-energy matchup between Eastlake’s C2 Volleyball team and New Port...
With the start of a new school year, countless seniors at Eastlake and beyond have started writing their college essays. For many this is a stressful experience, but it can also be a chance for students...
The Boy Scouts of America’s rebranded to include girls in February 2019, offering them the chance to advance through ranks and attain Eagle Scout status.
The journey of girls being a part of BSA leads...
Eastlake Students, Urja Varatkar and Kaeya Joshi, who share the vision of a stress-free academic high school experience for students and families, founded the Beyond Pressure Project, a platform to turn...
As Spring returns to Eastlake, so do band concerts, the Eastlake band put on a stunning performance last Wednesday which marked the first concert of 2024. We interviewed some of the musicians who performed...
With the turn of the semester just around the corner, the Eastlake Drama Program is gaining speed in assembling their spring shows. The shows, Puffs (directed by Ms. Wold) and Tartuffe (directed...
EASTLAKE HIGH SCHOOL – The drama program will be performing their production of Tartuffe for the first time this evening.
According to the school website’s drama page, research shows a link between...
Public bathrooms among young people of the LGBTQIA+ community have always been a struggle, especially when in school and they're in the same place all day, everyday. Transgender students and their parents...
Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania: both, prestigious and phenomenal universities that students around the world look up to as their future college one day. Admission to these pinnacles...
Washington is covered in mountains, and it is known for its amazing skiing. Eastlake students get the opportunity to experience Snoqualmie Pass through the Webbski ski bus. This year marks the 59th year...