As of February 19th, 2025, the district has sent out the official Eastlake schedule for the 2025-2026 school year. Besides changing from seven to six periods, other notable
changes include Homeroom on Fridays and block schedules Monday-Thursday with all periods on Friday. When asked about her initial thoughts on the schedule, Kennedy
Smith (’27) brought up the schedule’s effect on band and elective classes. When talking about her Material Science elective she said, “I’ve loved that class, and it was
something I wouldn’t have been able to take in a six-period schedule…With the six-period schedule, I won’t have the chance to do that next year, and the incoming freshmen won’t have a chance to do that ever”. All of the interviews suggested that students were unhappy with the shift and the teacher layoffs that are taking place in September of 2025. The Wolf Street Journal will follow up next week on this subject.
Six Period Schedule Update