March is Digital Citizenship Awareness Month here at Eastlake. This month the councilors are emphasizing the importance of your digital footprint and the impact of social media on high school students.
Saanvi Agarwal Is a sophomore here at Eastlake she is passionate about the effect that social media has on high schoolers. Saanvi has a nonprofit called The Social Met Project. Social Met partners with professors at universities to educate students on social media. She recently went to the University of Washington where she had a very impactful conversation with some students and faculty.
We also spoke with Eastlake student resource officer Deputy Martin about the police’s concerns with social media and how it is impacting high schoolers today. Deputy Martin emphasized the psychological effects that social media has and how that can lead people to physically harm themselves. He also highlights the fact that a photo is forever, this means that once you send a photo it is out there forever. This is a reminder that what you send matters.