The parking lot has been, and will forever be the bane of many student driver’s days. It’s an uncontrollable force, some days being worse than others. Students have been complaining about it for years, but this year more than ever are we seeing the effects.
Now with this years later schedule, students are are also getting home later, increasing many students anger towards the parking lot. Students are citing not being able to get home up to around 4:00 PM, making it hard to be on time to their outside of school obligations, whether that be a sports practice or job, or just being unhappy with being home later. Students are also annoyed at the buses blocking the back exit, forcing many to have to stay at school for up to 15 minutes as to not get stuck in traffic.
But while the schedule push back has affected students outside lives, students have also shown to be more on time in the morning. According to our attendance secretary, Mrs. Schnell, and receptionist Mrs. Kilborne, tardiness has been gradually decreasing when compared to past years. They also cited that morning traffic has also been improving, another driving factor in the decrease of tardiness.
So while the schedule pushback may to blame for many students after school grievances, less students being late in the morning has shown to be a net positive for Eastlake. So for now, try and find a good parking spot, and hope that you can beat the afterschool rush.